Diez Ingredientes para un Matrimonio Sano

Los ingredientes para un matrimonio saludable deben ser como los de un delicioso pastel. Usted debe incluir la cantidad correcta, añadidos en el momento adecuado, perfectamente mezclados y cocidos en el calor de un horno por la cantidad de tiempo correcto. Cuando las parejas trabajan juntas para incluir los mejores ingredientes en el matrimonio, ambos son conscientes de que los beneficios y consecuencias son importantes para nuestras iglesias, comunidades y nuestro país.

Diez Ingredientes para un Matrimonio Sano

  1.  Comunicación
  2. Compromiso
  3. Compasión
  4. Intimidad
  5. Respeto
  6. Apreciación
  7. Vida Conyugal
  8. Aceptación
  9. Esperanza
  10. Amor

El fundamento y la base de un matrimonio saludable incluyen la Comunicación, el Compromiso y la Compasión. Estos permiten que el matrimonio pueda crecer y florecer saludablemente dentro de un tazón de comprensión, devoción y ternura. Cuando la Intimidad, el Respeto y el Aprecio se incluyen en los matrimonios sanos, se envían y se reciben señales claras que dicen, “quiero conectar contigo, honrarte, y te agradezco por ser quien eres”. La Vida Conyugal, el compañerismo y la amistad agregan un sentido de propósito común y destino para un matrimonio saludable. También está la Esperanza, que cuando se adiciona a esta mezcla, es como el ingrediente que si se incluye hay perseverancia y si falta hay frustración.

Finalmente, como en cualquier receta, hay un ingrediente utilizado en mayor cantidad que cualquier otro. En un matrimonio saludable ese ingrediente es el Amor. Cuando el bien de la otra persona es el objetivo de ambos, marido y mujer, un matrimonio saludable se puede cocinar en medio del horno de la vida.

Por Benjamin F. Myers, MA, LPC
Traducido por Angela Belton, LPC (Consejera Profesional Licenciada)

En CounselingWorks en Español, creemos que la mejor manera de ayudar a las familias es mantenerlas juntas. Nuestros consejeros cristianos conocen los ingredientes de un matrimonio saludable y cómo trabajar con parejas para construir matrimonios y familias fuertes. Los resultados son hogares, iglesias y comunidades más fuertes hoy y en el futuro, según previsto por Dios en las Escrituras.

Para hablar con un consejero cristiano por favor llame a CounselingWorks al 972-960-9981 o llene nuestro formulario de contacto con una breve descripción de sus circunstancias actuales.

Ten Ingredients of a Healthy Marriage

leer este blog en español

The ingredients for a healthy marriage are like those for a wonderful cake or a delicious pie. You must include the right amount added at the right time mixed together with the right blend and baked in the heat of an oven for the right amount of time. As couples work to include the best ingredients for marriage, we are aware that the benefits and ramifications are significant for our churches, communities and country.

Ten ingredients for a healthy marriage

  • Communication
  • Commitment
  • Compassion
  • Intimacy
  • Respect
  • Appreciation
  • Partnership
  • Acceptance
  • Hope
  • Love

The foundation and bedrock of a healthy marriage include Communication, Commitment and Compassion. These allow the healthy marriage to grow and flourish within a bowl of understanding, devotion and tenderness. When Intimacy, Respect and Appreciation are included in healthy marriages clear signals can be sent and received that say I want to connect with you, honor you and am grateful for who you are. Partnership, companionship and friendship add a sense of common purpose and destination to a healthy marriage.  Adding Hope to this mixture is the ingredient that if included there is perseverance and if missing there is frustration. Finally, as in any recipe, there is one ingredient used in greater quantity than any other. In a healthy marriage that ingredient is Love. When the good of the other person is the goal of both husband and wife, a healthy marriage can be seen baking in the midst of the oven of life.

Written by Benjamin F. Myers, MA, LPC

At CounselingWorks, we believe that the best way to help families is to keep them together. Our Christian counselors know the ingredients of a healthy marriage and how to work with couples to build stronger marriages and families. The result is stronger homes, churches and communities now and in the future as envisioned by God in Scripture.

8 Ideas for Handling Adoption Questions

Many times when a couple has made a plan to adopt they are often questioned by outsiders. Below are some ideas for handling these questions.

1. As a family make the decision before hand what information you want to share, and with whom you wish to share it with.

2. Remember that they are the ones asking the question. Don’t allow them to put you on the defensive. They are the ones whose prying behavior should be questioned, not your reluctance to answer.

3. The way you respond to questions will often times relay to them your attitude about the  adoption process. If you respond in a defensive manner often times it will reinforce the questioner’s negative perception of adoption.

4. Always remember to use positive adoption language.

5. Keep in mind that you may be the only education that some will receive on adoption. With that in mind, make sure that you are educated on all aspects of adoption.

6. Assure your child(ren) that not all questions from adults must be answered. If a question is inappropriate or rude it should be ignored.

7. Realize that questions about adoption are endless, and that through time you will continue to be better equipped to answer them.

8. Rehearse responses to questions prior to them being asked, so that when the occasion arises you will be ready.

There are no “correct” answers. However, a comfortable attitude toward adoption and a good grasp of Positive Adoption Language will provide good answers.

Check out our article on Positive Adoption Language.

AdoptionWorks Post Adoption is a free support group program for adoptees ages five to seventeen. At AdoptionWorks we provide a safe and loving environment where children and teens can connect with others who are adopted. Here adoptees can find the freedom and safety to explore their adoption experience openly. The curriculum for the post adoption support groups has been developed by licensed mental health professionals who are also adopted. These groups are designed by adoptees, as well as adoption professionals, for adoptees and their parents.