Current statistics show 36.6% of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce and roughly 50% of children in the U.S. will see their parents’ marriage end in divorce. The impact on a child’s mental and emotional development due to divorce is evident in the statistics showing teens of divorce being 3 times more likely to experience mental health issues, depression, suicidal thoughts, academic performance issues, and social development strains.
The need to help support these families is substantial. Children and teens need a safe space to have open communication between themselves and their parents to strengthen family relationships and help parents to find ways to both lessen the effects and facilitate their child’s healing.

Often, divorcing parents focus on their own feelings and may not see or understand the effect the divorce is having on their child. As a result, they may say or do things that unintentionally deepen the wounds of the divorce. KIDWorks allows parents to focus on the impact of divorce on their child and offers ways to understand the child’s feelings and behaviors arising from the divorce.
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ChristianWorks for Children is a 501(c)(3) non-profit — EIN: 75-1246028.
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