What is GriefWorks?
GriefWorks is a free grief support program for children ages 5-18 and their adult family members. At GriefWorks, we provide a safe and loving environment where children and teens can share their stories of loss and explore their grief openly in order to heal and progress. The goals of GriefWorks are:
1: To normalize the grief process by allowing the grieving child to be with other children their age who have also experienced a loss.
2: To provide grieving children a safe, supportive environment where they can be themselves to honestly express their grief feelings and experiences without being judged.

In a supportive setting where encouragement is given to each child and family member in grief, coping skills are taught. GriefWorks groups do not provide grief counseling or therapy. If additional help in the form of counseling or therapy are indicated for GriefWorks participants, the group members are referred to CounselingWorks where more in-depth, clinical help is provided in individual or family grief counseling at a discounted fee.
In addition to GriefWorks, ChristianWorks is now offering Camp Sunrise, a free weekend camp for children ages 6 to 17 that provides a safe place for children to share their grief with peers who have also suffered the loss of a loved one.
GriefWorks Locations
Our ongoing FREE support group for children and their families is available at both our Dallas & Fort Worth Locations. Call Dallas 972.960.9981 or Fort Worth 817.502.7789 to secure your spot.
Learn About GriefWorks Services
In twice a month meetings on Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:15 PM. This time includes a free home-cooked meal provided by GriefWorks Meal volunteers from 6:30-7 PM.
In an on-going group format year-round where children and their families can enter or graduate the program as their needs dictate. Families are
asked to commit to the program for at least 6 months to a year of attendance.
In separate, specific age groups: Littles (ages 5-8), Middles (ages 9-12), Teens (ages 13-18) and Adults (ages 18 and older). Activities in each are age-appropriate activities which include play, games, drama, art writing
and other creative exercises which allow the child to express themselves honestly and relate to other grieving children.
In a curriculum professionally written and supervised where each week
the grief support groups focus on a different topic relating to grief such
as: Hope for the Future, What is Grief?, Anger, Finding Comfort, Helping Others, Helping Ourselves, Remembering and Honoring, Depression,
Grief & the Holidays and much more…
Interested in GriefWorks?
How Can My Family Learn More?
New families are required to attend an orientation before attending a group. This meeting will help us to place you in a group that we feel will help the needs of your family. It will also provide you and your family with the information needed to participate. If you are interested in signing your family up for GriefWorks children’s grief support groups, please fill out our contact form or call us at 972-960-9981.

Interested in Camp Sunrise
For Volunteers
-Meal Volunteers
Each week at GriefWorks, we serve our participants and volunteers dinner. This not only gives us time to build relationships outside of the groups but also takes a burden off of many single-parent families who are doing their best to get by one day at a time.
“The food you served was such a big blessing. [It] was really the final detail that pushed me to feel like ‘l can do this’ and attend each time with as tired as I was.” – A GriefWorks Mother
GriefWorks is a free program available to any families in DFW who are struggling with grief. To keep the program free, we have several generous volunteer groups who provide and serve the meals each week.
What do I need to provide?
Kid-friendly food for 30 people. The food can be home made, store bought or catered. Between 3-4 people who can help serve the food on the night you sign up.
Who should volunteer?
Volunteers such as church classes, work departments and any small group
of people who loves helping others
When and where do you need me?
We ask our meal volunteers to arrive by 6 PM at our ChristianWorks Dallas office. You will serve dinner to the families from 6:30 – 7:00 PM. Cleanup is usually complete by 7:15 PM.
How do I sign up?
Contact us to signup to be a volunteer.
Interested in being a volunteer or facilitator?
For the Facilitators
Our GriefWorks support groups for children and their parents are led by volunteer facilitators. Our volunteers come from all walks of life – counselors, nurses, teachers, church members. You don’t have to have any professional licenses or training to apply to be a volunteer. All new volunteer facilitators are fully trained by our staff, will shadow facilitators and be partnered with experienced facilitators when assigned to a group.
“Before my wife died I was able to talk to her. I asked her that when she died and went to heaven to please send me and my son an angel to look over us and make us stronger. I think all of you at GriefWorks are that angel sent to help us during this difficult time.” – A GriefWorks Father.
Minimum Criteria
GriefWorks Facilitators should meet the following baseline criteria:
- A heart for grieving children, teens and their families
- Willingness to commit to serving two Tuesday nights
per month for a minimum of six months - Ability to attend new facilitator training
- Ability and desire to learn group facilitation skills
- Insight into your own loss history – the most recent
death loss should be over a year ago - Passing a criminal background check
- Personal and professional references
- Willingness to become certified in CPR/First Aid
- Fluent in Spanish is a plus
Facilitator Training & Info
Volunteer facilitators should plan to be there from 6 – 8:30 PM at our Dallas Campus and Fort Worth Campus. This includes dinner which is provided free to all volunteers and group participants. Volunteer facilitators should be able to commit to attending 2 weeks per month for 6-12 months.
Help us build healthy homes and families.
ChristianWorks for Children is a 501(c)(3) non-profit — EIN: 75-1246028.
With your support, we can continue Jesus Christ’s example of service. Partner with us today!