BecomingMom is a FREE program providing professional counseling, parenting classes, and mentoring to expectant parents and parents of a
child 0-36 months of age. Both moms and dads qualify.
Through our free counseling program, you can meet regularly with a licensed professional counselor to discuss your mental, emotional, and physical needs.
To make an individual or couples counseling appointment with a BecomingMom counselor, call our counseling intake office at
972-960-9981 extension 106.
If you are interested in our parenting classes or our BecomingMom program, please contact one of our BecomingMom Program Coordinators at

*Free diapers will be given at every Counseling Session and Parenting Class.
Help us build healthy homes and families.
ChristianWorks for Children is a 501(c)(3) non-profit — EIN: 75-1246028.
With your support, we can continue Jesus Christ’s example of service. Partner with us today!